
Kiesha Jackson

Founder & CEO
Caleb's Kids

Kiesha Jackson is the Founder and CEO of Caleb's Kids, an award winning Detroit-based nonprofit focused on the mental health literacy of young people in grades 4 -12, families, and professionals. On average, Caleb's Kids reaches approximately 2,500 participants each year providing critical mental health education outreach. Ms. Jackson is the lead curriculum developer for Caleb's Kids, leaning on her broad experience in human services and mental health. Ms. Jackson is a licensed mental health therapist and has spoken at several conferences throughout the nation. She is also Principal at The Kinesis Group, a mental health consulting firm that specializes in providing therapeutic services, psychoeducation workshops, and mental health curriculum development. She is a contributing thought partner on SAMHSA’s Black Youth Suicide Task Force where she is tasked with helping to create the national plan and approach to reduce suicide amongst Black youth, and is a part of the Best Practices Reviewer Team at the University of Oklahoma where she is tasked with reviewing and recommending best practices for youth and adult programs nationally on suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention.

Facebook: calebskids

Instagram: calebskids

LinkedIn: kieshajackson
